73 tips to stimulate your brain 2022


73 tips to stimulate your brain

Use it or lose it. The brain benefits from a challenge, so that new neuronetworks can be developed. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the neuronetworks, otherwise the connections will become less and less strong. To help you find ways to challenge the brain, here are 73 tips:

73 tips to stimulate your brain
73 tips to stimulate your brain

  1. Take a  different route  than usual.

  2. Meditate : Research has shown substantial changes in the brain.

  3. Sit upright, so  the blood flows  better to the brain.

  4. Do  breathing exercises , so you provide the brain with more oxygen.

  5. Think positively and in  possibilities , so you reduce stress.

  6. Learn a new language,  that's how you force the brain to focus.

  7. Make choices : do what is important to you, but avoid a busy schedule.

  8. Learn to play a musical  instrument: this way you improve coordination and the connection between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

  9. Do  braingames : there are plenty of puzzle books for sale, or install a nice braingame App on your iPhone or iPad.

  10. Write : by writing you organize the world and give the brain a rest.

  11. Listen to classical music : Research has observed positive changes in brain waves after listening to classical music.

  12. Trust your intuition : this is the ability of the right hemisphere and unconsciously knows a lot.

  13. Take a rest : by taking a rest and sleeping well you keep your head free for good ideas.

  14. Avoid allergens  such as gluten, dairy products and sugar.

  15. Drink  a little caffeine now and then , but not too much.

  16. Listen to a course or podcast on your MP3 player on the go. In 10 years you can so easily finish a university degree, while you are stuck in traffic.

  17. Imagination : Practice speeches, dialogues, and competitions with the force of your imagination. The brain is unable to distinguish between reality and fiction.

  18. Talk : talk to the people around you and discuss, this way you develop the verbal ability.

  19. Do something you like : When you like something, you usually go the extra mile and give more.

  20. Adjust your faith : in our faith there are a lot of limitations, believe something else and you can do much more than you think.

  21. Do new things :Your brain urges you to adapt and become flexible in this way.

  22. Brushing your teeth: brush your teeth with your other hand, it's harder than you think.

  23. Model others : would you like to be just like someone else? Then observe this person closely and try it yourself. That person once started somewhere.

  24. Walk daily : good blood flow to the brain is essential for proper brain function.

  25. Sing : singing is very healthy and you also have to do a lot of things at once, reproduce text, keep pitch and keep time.

  26. Reduce stress by sharing your thoughts and issues with others.

  27. Do a home study  or course: you are never too old to learn new things.

  28. Alcohol? Preferably not , but if you do take it now and then, opt for red wine or a beer.

  29. Do something that  scares you every day : this is how you change stuck thoughts.

  30. Talk less : listen to what others have to say.

  31. Believe in yourself : if you don't do it, no one will.

  32. Blindfold yourself  for a while: you have to rely on other senses now. Very educational.

  33. Take a risk . Do you always play it safe? Do something crazy for once: give that bum a coin or go to that one strange restaurant.

  34. Walk naked through the house : stimulates the senses and feels very different.

  35. Read : Reading books, stories and websites introduces the brain to new insights and ideas.

  36. Can you convey yourself and what you stand for in a story of 1,000 words?

  37. Reduce your interactions with negative people since you wish to view the world positively and they can draw you into their negative mindset.

  38. Negotiate the price : give good reasons why you think it can be done cheaper. Makes you inventive and communicative.

  39. Develop Gratitude : Being grateful with what you have now is an essential element of feeling good.

  40. Think about how you want  your life to be in 20 years  and start working on this today. Every action is a step in that direction.

  41. Read a book  for the second time, suddenly you notice all kinds of different things. The power of learning is in repetition.

  42. Forgive your fellow man : walking around with a grudge for years will keep you where you are now. Better to take the step for the rest of your life.

  43. Have a lazy day : doing nothing for a while can be very good and you can come up with new ideas.

  44. Think of 15 qualities  you possess and have to give to the world.

  45. Reply to an article  and engage in discussion with people.

  46. Give compliments  to the people you hang out with a lot.

  47. Make a video  for YouTube.

  48. Make a list  of all your worries, is it really all that bad or are there also positives?

  49. Work on every concern : after a few years the worries will disappear or at least be greatly reduced.

  50. Read about successful people : how did it come about and which ingredients can you adopt?

  51. Explore unknowns:  Always wanted to know what twitter is now, or how to prepare Roti in the kitchen? Make time for this and grow in it.

  52. Stop with the newspaper , the news and soap operas: contains a lot of negativity and does not help you further.

  53. Do something spontaneous : go crazy and suddenly go to the sauna or call a friend for the cinema.

  54. Give Feedback to an Author : They'll like this and it sharpens your mind to articulate what it did to you.

  55. Your thoughts have powers : try to have a pure thought life, they really affect your life and the world.

  56. Admit mistakes : everyone makes mistakes, that's very human.

  57. Write down what you really want to do:  why not do it? What do you need to really do it?

  58. Pass on your knowledge : by telling others what you know, you test yourself whether you still have gaps.

  59. Change the way you think : If something doesn't bring you the fruits you seek, try doing it differently and you may have more success.

  60. Think about what you want and feed this wish regularly . Send it out in your mind. You get what you give.

  61. Always have a good breakfast : this is the start of the day and your mind will thank you.

  62. Think about what people would say about you  if you died right now. Helps to distance yourself from your daily routine.

  63. Make New Friends : Getting to know new people is fun and broadens your world view. Join a sports club, an organisation, or a course to meet new people.

  64. Turn off the  TV and computer for a night out : is it easy or difficult to have fun?

  65. Test what you believe : is what you believe really true, how can you be sure? How strong is the evidence?

  66. Take a power nap : close your eyes for 5 minutes and don't think about anything. An absolute brain reset.

  67. Go travel : by traveling you learn new places, habits, knowledge and broaden your horizons.

  68. Tidy up your house : A tidy house makes for a tidy mind.

  69. YouTube : Watch a motivational video on YouTube every morning.

  70. Keep Up With Your Field : Theories are reviewed regularly. Are your thoughts still correct?

  71. Take Action : Make sure you take an action every day to boost your confidence.

  72. Go out : the theatre, concert hall or the film can provide new input to change your world view.

  73. Volunteer : You will learn new things and connect with new people.


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