Menstrual cramps? 5 Natural Medicines Every Woman Should Know


Menstrual cramps? 5 Natural Medicines Every Woman Should Know

Monthly cramps are a painful announcement of the monthly menstrual cycle. While some women experience less cramping than others, and the severity of cramps can vary from month to month, any cramping is unpleasant and uncomfortable.

Menstrual cramps? 5 Natural Medicines Every Woman Should Know
Menstrual cramps? 5 Natural Medicines Every Woman Should Know

Since some commonly recommended anti-spasmodic drugs, such as acetaminophen can have dangerous side effects, it is better to try natural remedies. These are 5 natural remedies that provide relief from menstrual cramps and have no side effects:

5. Water

Fluid retention can be one of the painful side effects of menstruation for some women. Drinking plenty of water can prevent menstrual cramps. Even bloating and water retention are remedied with regular drinking water!

Warm or hot water works best for cramps. The blood flow to the skin increases and helps to relax tense muscles. Take a large glass when you start to feel pain.

Not everyone is a big fan of water, but luckily nature has an answer. Foods containing water, such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, lettuce and certain berries, can also act as diuretics and reduce cramping.

4. Ginger

The use of ginger is not just a folk wisdom for menstrual cramps: it is a scientifically proven remedy. The University of Maryland Medical Center says ginger can be used to treat painful periods and pregnancy-related illness. Eat some ginger or drink some natural ginger beer to calm your stomach and relieve your cramps.

3. Calcium

Calcium from dairy products, almonds, leafy greens, sesame seeds or any other source is a great way to reduce the pain of menstrual cramps. As a woman between 19 and 50 years you need 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. Taking calcium as a supplement can have potential side effects, such as developing kidney stones. Therefore, try to get as much calcium as possible from your diet. It's better to get your minerals naturally than to rely on pills!

2. Papaya

Papaya works well against cramps and menstrual pain. The fruit is high in carotene and the cancer-fighting vitamin C. Papaya is low in calories, aids in digestion, is good for your skin and also contains iron and calcium. A delicious, sweet way to feel better during your period!

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is used to help with colds, allergies and even cancer and you can also use it for cramps. Cinnamon acts as a source of calcium, iron, manganese and dietary fiber, each of which helps relieve the pain of menstruation. Plus it tastes good!

Avoid these foods

Some foods can make cramps worse. Because bloating and fluid retention make cramping much worse, you should try to avoid bloating.

To avoid pain, avoid these foods:

  • Carbonated drinks (which you shouldn't drink anyway for many other reasons)

  • Alcohol (causes bloating)

  • Fatty foods (weights down and makes you feel worse)

  • Coffee (contains caffeine, which increases tension – replace with a ginger tea)

Even though monthly cramps are a part of life for some women, there are natural remedies you can try to relieve the pain and even cure cramps. Try the above next time your period starts. ( Translation : Marion Kroon)

Extra tips against menstrual cramps

  • opt for these supplements:

  • mica

  • Vitamin B complex

  • Omega-3 fish oil

  • Magnesium

  • OPC Grape Seed Extract

  • chamomile

  • Dong quay

  • pycnogenol

  • Take a warm bath

  • Eat fiber rich

  • Massage your belly

  • Orgasm can relieve pressure on the uterus

  • light movement

  • Deep Breathe

  • Avoid table salt


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