54 tips to lose weight successfully


54 tips to lose weight successfully

Small changes to your lifestyle can achieve big results. Below 54 tips to control your weight.

54 tips to lose weight successfully
54 tips to lose weight successfully

  1. Drink plenty of water – water makes you feel full, so drink it when you wake up and before a meal.

  2. Limit sweet - learn to appreciate the natural taste of food without adding sugar.

  3. Eat fruit instead of juice – the fiber slows the release and makes you feel full.

  4. Eat fiber- rich foods – or take fiber in the form of psyllium.

  5. Eat a lot of vegetables

  6. Fancy a snack? then opt for a cucumber or a carrot.

  7. Take coffee – speeds up metabolism but don't take too much it stimulates the stress hormones.

  8. Avoid fried foods – heated fat is unhealthy and provides a bomb in calories.

  9. Don't skip meals - take care of your body and feed it well, so you give it what it needs.

  10. Candy? Then opt for extra dark chocolate.

  11. Avoid alcohol – alcohol provides empty calories and therefore makes you very fat.

  12. Walk – make it a habit to walk daily.

  13. Opt for white meat – poultry and fish are healthy sources of nutrients.

  14. Avoid pork – many people are allergic to it.

  15. Go from 3 to 6 meals a day – this way you divide the heaviness of a meal and reduce the feeling of hunger.

  16. Beware of processed salt – Choose real Celtic sea salt.

  17. Avoid margarine – opt for healthy fat full of vitamins and minerals such as butter, ghee or coconut oil.

54 tips to lose weight successfully
54 tips to lose weight successfully

  1. Cook your food instead of baking.

  2. Chew your food extra long – aids digestion and makes you feel full sooner.

  3. wine? Then choose red wine. Provides numerous nutrients and antioxidants.

  4. Buy a scale – get up there once a week to stay motivated.

  5. Take the stairs , bicycle or walk more often.

  6. Take a walk or exercise with someone – that's how you stimulate each other.

  7. Don't go too fast – the tortoise beats the hare. Better to go slow and steady.

  8. Stop on time – Are you full? Then leave the food, it doesn't have to be.

  9. Imagine what you will look like a year from now and make sure this motivates you.

  10. Step by step - you can't throw everything at once, do everything step by step.

  11. Office job? Make sure you move and stretch every half hour.

  12. On the phone? Then walk around for some extra exercise.

  13. Tap along with your legs and feet while listening to music.

  14. Dance to nice music.

  15. Get off the bus one stop earlier and continue on foot.

  16. Pull your partner into the bedroom – sex is a great way to lose weight.

  17. Use abdominal breathing – more oxygen in your body ensures better combustion.

  18. Massage each other – relaxing and giving a massage makes you lose weight.

  19. Get a dog – this will require you to get out for a walk.

  20. Take dance lessons – compulsory movement to music makes you feel good and you will lose weight.

  21. Nice weather? then go outside and move and enjoy the sun and water.

  22. In the evening , play outside with the children such as tennis or a game of football.

  23. Stand naked in front of the mirror - this way you know what you're doing it for, but be gentle with yourself, nobody is perfect.

  24. Relax – stress makes you fat.

  25. Join a forum – there you can post questions and meet like-minded people.

  26. Take before and after photos – so you can keep the motivation going.

  27. Make an appointment with a coach – he can help you achieve your goal. Choose these carefully with proven results.

  28. Learn to decipher labels - you are what you eat.

  29. Tell everyone about your goal – this is how you take advantage of social control and can be a big stick.

  30. Get into life – limit computer and TV use as much as possible.

  31. Avoid HFCS – High Corn Fructose Syrup (corn syrup) is fructose and is poorly biodegradable, a real fattener!

  32. Don't compare yourself to others - you go your own way and you are beautiful the way you are with your own quality.

  33. Create healthy patterns – a pattern is like a riverbed. It takes 21 days to integrate a new habit.

  34. Go to bed on time – when you are tired you get your energy from food instead of your sleep.

  35. Your fork is not a shovel – take small bites.

  36. Never do a crash diet - this is a huge stressor for your body.

  37. Serve with a regular spoon instead of a serving spoon, so the portions stay within limits.


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