12 tips against depression and gloom


12 tips against depression and gloom

Many people suffer from winter depression, also known as the winter blues, in the winter. Do you have to accept this or can you do something about it yourself?

12 tips against depression and gloom
12 tips against depression and gloom

Surround yourself with light

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in our brain that regulates mood, among other things. Serotonin is produced by converting tryptophan and 5-HTP. Light is necessary for this conversion, because without light the tryptophan is converted into melatonin, which makes us sleepy. Try to take a daily walk outside at noon and buy a daylight lamp or full spectrum light bulbs.

Opt for supplements

If you need some extra support, magnesium and vitamins B & D are very important for a good mood. Vitamin D is produced in the summer under the influence of sunlight, which we have to miss in the winter. Magnesium relaxes. You can also opt for cod liver oil. I myself use fermented cod liver oil from Green Pasture's.

Do sports

Exercise ensures that you let go of your thoughts and create many good substances in the brain. Make sure that you do not exaggerate, too fanatical exercise is a source of stress for the body.

Enjoy the sauna

Recent research has shown that heat is very curative against depression. If you regularly go to a sauna, you will probably feel less depressed because of an increase in endorphins.

Eat animal fat

The saturated fat of animals contains important fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamin D in particular is an important substance to feel good. The unsaturated fats of fish, for example, contain a lot of omega-3 in the form of EPA and DHA, which are highly absorbable by the body. A good quality fish oil helps better than antidepressants.

Book a holiday

If you go on winter sports in the winter, you are usually at a high altitude and you get quite a bit of sunlight through your eyes and facial skin. The skin is the largest organ we have, so I prefer a warm country where you really come into contact with sunlight with your entire skin to get a good shot of vitamin D.

Make your intestines healthy

Science is increasingly finding out that a good condition of the intestines is crucial for a healthy body. There is also a nice book about “The gut thinks along”. About 80% of the serotonin in the brain is produced in the gut. Serotonin regulates mood. Healthy intestines also ensure that no unwanted substances enter the bloodstream. Avoid the wrong fats, grains, milk products and sugar as much as possible, but eat unprocessed, organic and lots of vegetables.

Choose herbs

Many herbs have a healing effect on the body. Specific herbs that can help with depression are St. John's wort and Gingko biloba. Never just combine it with medicines from the general practitioner or psychiatrist, but first consult with the doctor.


Stress lowers our defenses, resilience and makes a strong demand on our vitamin and mineral reserves. Therefore, try to relax as much as possible and not always take it all so seriously. Mother Theresa once said, “Life is a game, play it”.

Do fun things

When you do things you enjoy, preferably where you forget the time, you get out of your head and you worry less. The distraction also creates a new chemical balance in the brain.

12 tips against depression and gloom
12 tips against depression and gloom

Avoid stimulants

Coffee, chocolate, cola and red bull can give you a huge spike and boost your mood. This is unfortunately only temporary and you will see that once these substances have worn off, you will be in a worse condition than before. Rather choose nourishing food so that you avoid the huge peaks and valleys. Sugar is also a stimulant and starch is a sugar. Therefore, be sparing with huge amounts of bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.

Get social

Depression is relatively common in our time. I think this is partly due to the fact that many people live in isolation. In Africa or other poor countries, they have little material wealth, but they do have more social connection and depressions are less common here. Social intercourse is indispensable for a person. During social contact, and especially when touched, numerous hormones are produced that make you feel good. A well-known hormone that plays a role in this is oxytocin, but there are more.

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