12 tips to think positively 2022


12 tips to think positively

The power of the brain is very great and thoughts are energy. What you believe is truth or may become truth. That's why here are 12 tips that help you to stand in your power.

12 tips to think positively
12 tips to think positively

Think in possibilities

It makes little sense to look at what is not possible, it will not get you moving. Life is movement and the energy is always flowing. Look at where the energy can flow and pay attention to this. What you pay attention to grows.

Look what went right

If I ask you today to keep an eye on Volkswagens for the next week, after a few days it seems that half the world consists of Volkswagens. This is of course not the case at all, but the human mind filters and leaves out the rest. It is not fair to what went right to only look at what went wrong. A nice video that illustrates how the human mind works is:

Ask yourself what you learned from it

Even if the experience itself isn't fun, try to look at what it delivered. Is there anything that is of value in the longer term? For example, exercises at an army air base can disturb your peace during the forest walk, but you can "hear" the silence again after hearing the jet fighter.

Deal with positive people

An old proverb goes: whatever you interact with, you get infected by it. As a human being you very quickly adopt characteristics of others. We have even been given special mirror cells in our brains for this from the creator. As children we used these mirror cells very intensively to adopt the desired habits of our environment, but can now also come in very handy to become who you want to be. Hang out with people who encourage that in you.

Be grateful for everything you have

Research shows that happy people are more likely to be grateful. No matter how beautiful our car is, no matter how kindly our partner takes care of us, it will eventually become normal and you will no longer see the value in it. Try to dwell on the riches that life gives you. What can you be thankful for?

Remember that all is well on a deeper level

Sometimes something seems very annoying at first glance, but turns out to be invaluable in the long run. For example, I know someone who was rejected for an education and then started traveling and met his great love during this trip. In hindsight, would he rather have done the training?


Michael Jordan has thrown more than 9,000 balls off the net in his basketball career and Thomas Edison has needed 50,000 experiments to make a light bulb work. Falling is not a bad thing, not getting up again will get you nowhere.

Become a leader

Don't sit by and watch things go the way you wouldn't want to, but get up and take it and try to change what's in your power. Lead instead of being led. Don't be a victim, but create your own life and take responsibility.

Eat healthy

Healthy on the inside also means healthy on the outside. If you eat healthy you will feel better, have more positive thoughts and you will also be more resistant to stress. You are what you eat.

Set a goal

When you set yourself a goal, you can work towards it and you provide a focus. The universe can also align with this focus and help you achieve your goal. If an aircraft has no target but does depart from Schiphol, where would it end up?

Help others

People are social beings and need exchange to feel good. Why not combine this with giving something to someone else? You make someone else happy and that gives a good feeling that makes your thoughts lighter. Does it really feel better to receive, or does giving make you happier in the long run?

Read positive quotes

There is energy in the words you say and think and this energy can be very powerful. Positive quotes can put your thoughts on a different footing via twitter, facebook or a booklet, so that you unconsciously let a good energy go through your mind. A feel-good film can of course also be very uplifting.

Watch your thoughts: they become words.

Watch your words: they become deeds.

Watch your actions: they become habits.

Watch your habits: they become an attitude.

Watch your attitude: it becomes your destiny.


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