Happy New Year & New Layout


Happy New Year & New Layout

We wish all our readers a healthy and conscious new year with lots of light, love and happiness.

Happy New Year & New Layout
Happy New Year & New Layout

At the same time as the new year, we have put a new layout online. The new layout also works on mobile devices such as the iPad, iPhone and Android tablets or phones. We can now also more easily add YouTube videos to the homepage. With great pleasure we will again in 2013 publish many instructive articles about our passion: nutrition and health. We have now also added the option to respond to an article.

The undersigned is currently busy with a number of courses such as HBO Medical Basics and Orthomolecular nutrition in order to provide even more advice and articles that can be thoroughly substantiated. The purpose of the site is to offer a helping hand to people who want to be healthier, more energetic and more positive in life.

In the coming year we will continue to bring you tips, lectures, courses, workshops, articles, radio interviews, YouTube interviews and much more. Make sure to follow us on Facebook or twitter so we can always keep you informed of the latest developments!

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